Project Manager Jobs in Netherlands

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2 jobs in Netherlands.

Project Manager jobs

  • Project Manager

    Rome, Italy

    Management of the daily activities of the Project Control staff dedicated to its contracts/projects; Cost control and calculation of the overall project (EAC - Estimate at...

    Posted 17 days ago   
  • PMO - Aircraft Platforms

    Madrid, Spain

    Apply principles of project management developing large, complex schedules; Perform program schedule analysis to include: Metrics, Critical Path, Float, and schedule variances...

    Posted 18 days ago   
  • Project Management and Control Officer

    EUSPA - European Union Agency for the Space Programme
    Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

    Deploy the project management and control processes and maintain tools required to manage EUSPA programmes and procurements in terms of budget, schedule, and risks & opportunities...

    Posted 23 days ago    Deadline 1 August
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